Image Setup

Purpose: This topic describes how to set up images to display in Order Management System.

You can set up the following types of images:

• a company logo to display at menu screens: see Setting Up Company Logos for Menu Screens

• an image to display in the right-hand area of the menu driver screen for users who do not have authority to view Open, Held Order Recap Dollars and Order Statistics; see Setting Up Menu Driver Images for Companies

• a company logo to print on forms: see Setting Up Company Logos for Forms

• an entity logo to print on selected forms: see Setting Up Entity Logos for Picks and Other Forms

• an item depiction to display in order entry and the Work with Item screen: see Setting Up Item Images

Setting Up Company Logos for Menu Screens

Purpose: You can set up a company logo for each company within Order Management System to display at menu screens. To set up company logos for menu screens:

Image size: The company image for menus should be 270 pixels wide by 240 pixels high.

Image location: /domain/conf/cwdirectcpproperties/reports/Jasper Reports/images/ on the application server, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System.

Image naming convention: The company logo image file name for menus should consist of:

- the label MenuLogo and the zero-padded company number if you would like to display individual company-specific logos

- the .JPG extension

Example: The logo image file for company 6 should be named MenuLogo006.jpg.

If there is no image file for the user’s current company, Order Management System displays the default logo delivered with the application.

If the company logo does not display correctly:

• If you add, change, or delete the company image for menus, menu screens in Order Management System might not display the change immediately because the image might be cached on your local computer. To display the current company image for menus, exit Order Management System and clear the cache in your browser.

• Image files should not exceed 10K in size.

Setting Up Menu Driver Images for Companies

Purpose: You can set up a menu driver image for each company within Order Management System to display in the right-hand area of menu screens for users who do not have authority to view the Open, Held Order Recap Dollars and Order Statistics. The Display Order Statistics and Recap (J03) secured feature controls the authority to view these components. To set up menu driver images:

Image size: The menu driver image should be 400 pixels wide by 420 pixels high.

Image location: /domain/conf/cwdirectcpproperties/reports/Jasper Reports/images/ on the application server, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System.

Image naming convention: The menu driver image file name should consist of:

- the label MenuDriverLogo and the zero-padded company number

- the .JPG extension

Example: The menu driver image file for company 6 should be named MenuDriverLogo006.jpg.

If there is no menu driver image file for the user’s current company, this area on the menu driver screen is blank. You cannot set up a default image that is not specific to a company.

For more information: See the Menu Driver Screen.

Setting Up Company Logos for Forms

Important: Company logos for forms is not currently implemented.

Purpose: If you use a standard graphical print program for a form, you can point to an image of your company logo to include on the form. The image must be in .JPG format, and:

Image size:

- The company logo image for the purchase order should be 210 pixels wide by 70 pixels high.

- All other company logo images for forms, including the pick slip image should be 239 pixels wide by 80 pixels high. The pick slip image is also used on several other forms, listed below.

Image location: Save each company logo image file in the /domain/conf/cwdirectcpproperties/reports/Jasper Reports/images/ folder, where domain is the WebLogic domain directory for Order Management System.

Image naming convention: The company logo image file name should consist of the name of the print program for the form, the label CompanyLogo, and the company number, plus the .JPG extension. For example, the logo image file for pick slips in company 6 should be named PICKCompanyLogo6.jpg.

Pick image used on other forms: You do not have to create a separate company logo image to print on the following forms, which use the logo image for the pick slip:

- Quote FormDrop Ship Pick Slip/Invoice

- Order Summary

- Pack Slip

- Order Receipt

For each of these forms, the system uses the image file created for the pick slip (for example, PICKCompanyLogo1.jpg (company logo, where 1 is the company code) or the PICKEntityLogo177.jpg (entity logo, where 1 is the company code and 77 is the entity if the Print Entity Image (K35) system control value is selected. See Setting Up Entity Logos for Picks and Other Forms for details.

Image naming for unique forms: Even if you use a custom printing program, it is not necessary to include the complete print program in the image name. For example, if your unique pick printing program is PICKABC rather than PICK, you can still use a name of PICKCompanyLogo6.jpg.

Note: Image files should not exceed 10K in size.

For more information: See Forms Management (My Forms) for additional background and setup requirements for forms, such as related system control values.

Restart the application: To be sure that changes to form images take effect, you can restart the application. See Restarting Order Management System for more information.

Setting Up Entity Logos for Picks and Other Forms

Important: Entity logos for forms is not currently implemented.

Purpose: Optionally, you can print the entity logo rather than the company logo on picks and other forms.

Select the Print Entity Image (K35) system control value if you want to always use the entity logo on pick slips and certain other forms. This setting requires that you set:

• the outbound version of the PICK_OUT job in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) to 2.0 or higher, and

• the Pick Printing Program (C37) system control value to PICKG, or to a unique graphical print program that supports printing the entity logo.

Note: If you select the Print Entity Image (K35) system control value, then the pick slip will never print a company logo, so it is important to set up an entity logo for each entity in your company that might generate pick slips. If there is no logo for an entity, the logo area on the pick slip will be blank.

Generating pick slips: When you generate pick slips, the job includes pick slips of different entities within the same .PDF file. See Performing Pick Slip Generation for background.

Setup requirements: The entity logo image file name should consist of the label PICKEntityLogo, the company number, the entity number, plus the .JPG extension.

Note: The company number and the entity number are not zero-filled. For example, the logo for company 6, entity 10 is PICKEntityLogo610.jpg.

Image size and location: The image should be the same dimensions as the company logo, and stored in the same folder on the server. See Setting Up Company Logos for Forms, above, for details.

Other printing programs:

Drop ship pick slip: Includes the entity logo if the Print Entity Image (K35) system control value is selected and the Drop Ship Pick Print Program (E92) system control value is set to PICKG.

Order summary: Includes the entity logo if the Print Entity Image (K35) system control value is selected and the Order Summary Print Program (K31) is set to ORDERSUMG.

Pack slip: Includes the entity logo if the Print Entity Image (K35) system control value is selected and the Pack Slip Print Program (K32) is set to PICKPACKG.

Quote form: Includes the entity logo if the Print Entity Image (K35) system control value is selected and the Quote Printing Program (K73) system control value is set to QUOTEG.

Order receipt: Includes the entity logo if the Print Entity Image (K35) system control value is selected and the Order Receipt Print Program (L46) is set to ORDERRECG

Note: The gift acknowledgement does not use the entity logo regardless of the setting of the Print Entity Image (K35) system control value.

Setting Up Item Images

Purpose: Certain screens in order entry, order maintenance, and item maintenance display an item image if one is configured for the item.

To define: Use the Item Image/Info Link Screen to define the URLs where the image and product information for an item or SKU are stored on an external image hosting application.

Note: The Item Image/Info Link screen is available only if the Use External Item Image (L55) system control value is selected; otherwise, an error message displays: Image/Info Link not available - enabled by SCV L55.

Displaying the Item Image

Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order): This screen displays the image for each item after you enter the item, and the image of the last item entered remains on this screen until you exit. The image that displays is:

- The image defined at the SKU level.

- If an image is not defined at the SKU level, the image defined at the item level displays.

- If an image is not defined at the SKU or item level, no image displays.

If you click on the image, the system opens a web browser to the URL specified in the Information Link field for the item/SKU on the Item Image/Info Link screen.

Work with Items Screen (MITM): When you mouse over the item code, this screen displays:

- the image defined at the item level.

- If an image is not defined at the item level, the image defined for the first SKU in alphabetical order displays.

- If an image is not defined for the item or SKU, no image displays.

Image size: The image is displayed at 150 x 150 pixels at the Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order), and at 120 x 120 pixels at the Work with Items Screen in item maintenance.

image setup OROMS 17.0 2018 OTN